Song: Stare at these pictures by Hamed Zamani

Song: Stare at these pictures by Hamed Zamani

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Hamed Zamani, stare at these photos.

Stare at these photos, stare
at those days full of memories.
Don't let the warmth of sleep
make anyone's eyes forget you when you wake up.
There's a burden from today
that you'll die for.
Everyone is waiting to see where
you'll go on the road of love.
But stopping is only our job.
Our story is not a story of sleep.
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Come, take heart in the sea, there is no doubt that
this river is not a swamp at the end.
A burden has been laid from today,
for which you will die for a lifetime.
Everyone is waiting to see where
you will take your heart from the road of love,
but standing still is our job.
Our story is not a dream story.
Come, take heart in the sea, there is no doubt that
this river is not a swamp at the end.


Hamed Zamani, stare at these photos.

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