Lyrics of the song Hamsafar Hojjat Ashrafzadeh
You have won my heart, my love.
Let's listen together:
Lyrics of the song "Destat To Dast Mane" by Hamid Askari
I, who have a home in your eyes, my world.
Look how crazy your eyes are.
You have won my heart, my love.
New and old songs by Hojjat Ashrafzadeh:
You, with that laughter of yours, my whole heart is for you.
I am always calm in your arms.
My peace, tell me, where are you without me in this rain?
Where are you, wandering dream?
Tell me, my dear, where are you?
My peace, your heart is not unaware of my cries.
No one is closer to me than you.
It's a journey and there's no companion by my side.
Look, there's another silence in my words.
There is a sadder sadness...
I will leave you in my heart with your memories.
I love you...
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