Lyrics of Sahar Hamed Homayoun's song

Lyrics of Sahar Hamed Homayoun's song

It's not dawn, why have you dragged me into the night?

Safe from this sorrow of separation...


Download Hamed Homayoun songs :

Don't swear on the life of your eyes that I won't reach you.

Tell me, fairy, where are you?

Look what you did to my heart and what time does.

Come stay, become a star in this romantic evening.

Come sing a ghazal in this beautiful, poetic weather.

Stay in my Qiblah, the Kaaba and the idol house are excuses.

A cage means a house without you, a mad failure without you.

Damn the time without you, where are you, Fairy?

Stay in this dark night, you are my peace and my refuge.

You're gone, I don't know where you are, Fairy.

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