Patang Jaise Jhoome Hawaon Ke Sang Na
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Nachunga Aise Udti Patang Jaise Jhoome Hawaon Ke Sang Na Mujhko Roko Na Mujhko Toko Main Hu
Masti Mein Mast Malang
Ae Nachunga Aise
Song: Stare at these pictures by Hamed Zamani
Stay with us in the music tag with / Download the song "Look at these pictures" by Hamed Zamani with the full lyrics of the song below...
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Music I feel the world
I feel you don't love me anymore I feel like I'm too much
Let's hear:
Nima Chehrazi's song Gol Gandom
Why did you cut me off so soon, I was the flower in your basket
Mohsen Yeganeh's Rag Khab song
The sleeping vein of this heart was in your hands, the cracks in my heart were your failure.
The sleeping vein of this heart was in your hand. The cracks in my heart were broken by you.
You pulled me to the clouds with a smi
Lyrics of the song Hamsafar Hojjat Ashrafzadeh
You have won my heart, my love.
Let's listen together:
Lyrics of the song "Destat To Dast Mane" by Hamid Askari
I, who have a home in your eyes, my world.
Look how crazy your eyes are.